2023-24 MENTEE

As a 2023-24 mentee, Anastasia began work with Wanda “Kashudoha” Loescher Culp on the project, “Genres of Emplacement - Hoonah Project” which they describe below. As an example, see Dakhaá Xhoo, Among the Sleeping Man.
“Tongass Women for Forest and Land Clinic are collaborating on Genres of Emplacement, a creative-legal project at the crossroads of legal design, cartography, and land-based justice. This project acknowledges the land and water use vital to Tlingit, Haida, and Tsimshian identity and collective memory. It catalyzes cultural repair by elevating Indigenous narratives and advancing U.S. justice through the systematic restoration of Indigenous lands. Using ARCgis technology, the project creates compelling data visualizations that narrate the rich cultural, historical, and legal stories of the land, reclaiming invisibilized Indigenous narratives. These maps not only document the lands but also advocate for land returns and acts of repair.”
ANASTASIA MAIER is the founding director of Land Clinic, grounded in the work of thought leaders, earth-based practices and her mentors, where she is exploring how to use the legal system to support both humans and ecology. Movement is her first language. She draws from her years of formative dance-training to translate concept into form. Her drive for the clinic comes from her transition into motherhood, connecting with her people's relationship to land as well as living in the forested foothills of the Snoqualmie Valley.
Snoqualmie Valley, Washington, USA
Website: Land Clinic