2024 leadership pathway mentor fellow
2023 Exhibiting Artist
2023 MentOR

As a 2024 Mentor Fellow, Natalie will be developing a new leadership pathway in documentary arts. Her project, “Mapping Methodologies of Attention” will engage the Creature Conserve Mentorship archive to draw a correlation between art methodologies and environmental pedagogy. By testing mentees' qualitative approaches and applying them to my art project, A Murder of Crows, I will explore how we gather knowledge (through research/experience) and how we act upon that knowledge (through practice/teaching). The resulting exposition will serve as an anthology of mentorship projects, while providing a catalogue of methodologies for future artivists to be inspired by.
In 2023, Natalie’s work, “Falling” was exhibited in our 2023 exhibition, Re-Imagining Conservation: From Many Viewpoints.
As a 2022 mentee, Natalie worked on her art project, “Museum of Extinction” as part of her graduate school thesis. In her words, “The Museum of Extinction is a speculative museum of the future that curates a collection of animalARTefacts that reflect upon the 6th mass extinction by using taxidermy to make death visible through material form.
“Falling is a visualization of a 2021 study that concluded there to be an estimated 50 billion wild birds on planet Earth. That is 6 birds per person. A sharp decline from a similar study in 1997 that calculated there to be approximately 60 birds per person at the time.”
NATALIE FIELD is an interdisciplinary artist working within the framework of Speculative Taxidermy. Her artistic research delves into biodiversity loss, and the role of culture in turning the tide of extinction.
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