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sophy tuttle:

  • 2022, 2018 Exhibiting Artist

  • mentor

  • workshop instructor

  • 2019 Scholarship Recipient

Sophy’s work has been exhibited in two of our major exhibitions, Urban Wildlife: Learning to Co-exist at the RISD ISB Gallery (2018), Sprout Co-working in Providence (2019) and the National Museum of Wildlife Art (2020), Re-Examining Conservation: Questions from the Intersections of the Arts and Sciences (2022) at Brown University’s Granoff Center in Providence, RI.

As a scholarship recipient (2019), Sophy painted a series of electrical boxes in Medford, MA and collaborated with a poet who created haiku for each one.

Sophy is also mentor and a workshop instructor for Finding a Collaborator.

From Sophy’s scholarship application in 2019

“I'm working on a project with the Medford (Mass) Arts Council to repaint all of the electrical boxes in downtown over the summer. I'm going to be painting them with wildlife motifs, and facts about the animals and plants that I'm depicting. The idea is to get the public to vote on the plants and animal I paint in order to get them to be more conscious of the other creatures that live in Medford. Once they're painted, people will be able to read about them and have a daily reminder in the middle of town that our cities are not just homes for humans, but host a variety of wildlife.”

SOPHY TUTTLE is an English-born American muralist, painter, and installation artist. Her work celebrates nature, reconsiders our position in the web of life, and creates new narratives that explore regenerative, resilient culture-building among all forms of life.

Sophy began painting murals after a residency in Oaxaca, Mexico in 2013, where she learned from local activists and artists. Her indoor and outdoor murals can now be seen from Massachusetts to Colombia and she has participated in several mural festivals including Pangeaseed’s Sea Walls Festival (2020 & 2021) and POWWOW! Worcester (2016 & 2021). Often vibrant and dynamic, these murals are a way to begin conversations within the community about our relationship with nature and the ways in which we both conflict and collaborate with our fellow creatures every day. 

Boston, Massachusetts USA

Instagram Handle: @sophytuttle

Website: sophytuttlestudios