FUNDAMENTALS: Behind the Research Paper: Making Science Visual

Community  - March 10 (3).png
Community  - March 10 (3).png

FUNDAMENTALS: Behind the Research Paper: Making Science Visual


ABOUT THIS WORKSHOP: This workshop is designed to give you a deeper appreciation of the science that informs wildlife conservation by exploring both the technical and the personal sides of field research. Through a series of presentations, group discussions, and a creative exercise, you will practice making the stories that take place behind the scenes visual. Our goal is to help you bridge the gap between artists and scientists.

DATE & TIME: Available year-round

FORMAT: Asynchronous with live follow-up sessions

ATTENDANCE: Attendance is asynchronous and we encourage you to move through this workshop at your own pace. We highly recommend attending our next live follow-up session with Executive Director Dr. Lucy Spelman to discuss your learning in real time. Invitations to these sessions will be sent via email.

INSTRUCTOR: Franco Zacha

REGISTRATION: $10 (an additional donation of $15 is encouraged)

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